
A travelog of an April 2006 journey to Durban South Africa for the 8th World Conference in Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (click on photos to enlarge & click comments to contribute)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day before departure

Just checked the 5 day weather forecast for Durban. Wow! Temps rising to the mid-eighties by Friday. With snow flurries still in Pittsburgh this week that's going to be one nice change. Gotta remember to pack the swim suit and sunblock!

Also have to remember to take the weekly antimalarial tomorrow. It's nice it's a once a week pill these days. You start one week before you leave and stay on it until a few weeks after you return. I think the one I have is Mefloquine. It was first developed in the 60s during the Vietnam War because of the emergence of chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria. While quite effective, there is no perfect antimalarial. It must be taken with food, preferably in the evening, and preferably not with alcohol. Minor side effects include: stomach upset, dizziness, vivid (good, bad, erotic and otherwise) dreams, insomnia and anxiety. More serious side effects, such as seizures and psychosis, are relatively rare. So far no real side effects from the first dose; I'll have to watch the timing with any alcohol once in SA since I rarely drink on a plane (it's suppose to exacerbate jet lag).

All right... I'll keep this blog entry brief since I haven't even left yet.


At 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool Blog. I'll be sure to check it daily to keep up with you SA Adventures! Have a great time.


At 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

really neat idea. i'll check it every day. love you dad.



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