
A travelog of an April 2006 journey to Durban South Africa for the 8th World Conference in Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (click on photos to enlarge & click comments to contribute)

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Made it home, jet lagged and all. I had a lot of problems with the internet connections the last day in Durban so I have some catch up to do to describe last few days. So stay tuned.

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Saturday, April 08, 2006


You are either on the bus or off the bus. In this case we had a pretty full bus for our game drives in Hluhluwe. We had a great international group with representatives from France, Poland, Canada, Kentucky, and Ohio.

Check out all the photos on my Flickr account

St Lucia's Hippos and Crocs

Back from Safari!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Last night of meetings

Accepting best poster award from the International Society Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention
Israeli friends Michelle and Liri relaxing after the last day of meetings.
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Making friends

I am shown with Naseema Vawda from the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine and Adnan Hyder from Johns Hopkins. Both are involved in the Fogarty International Training programs that I am starting to get involved with myself through an NIH grant. Naseema is a local and she has kindly offered me a a chance to see Durban from her perspective when I return from Safari.

Safari starts tomorrow! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Movies of opening ceremony entertainment (click to play)

Opening ceremony was attended by the Queen of Jordan and the current Zulu King! The Queen was accompanied by a huge security detail and the Zulu chief was accompanied by his personal praise singer. Maybe that's what George Bush needs to improve his poll ratings.

Play clip 1 Play clip 2

Play clip 3 Posted by Picasa

Durban Beach Party

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

Burden of Injury Speaker Collage

All the Speakers at the Burden of Injury Conference (except me, I was the one taking te pictures)
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Burden of Injury

View from my room at the Blue Waters Hotel. An old hotel with a lot of character. Even had a squash court, but I had neither my racquet, partner or time.

The Cafe Fish was my first real meal in South Africa. Highly recommended by Hotel Staff it was not greatly distinguishable from many other fish places I have been too, except the Polenta was to die for. A rich tomato spicy sauce topped with a lovely green garnish and assorted nuts capped off the delicious and good looking dish.

London Layover Part 2

London Layover

The original plan was to meet a friend living in Wales for a closeup tour of the London Area. A schedule (pronounced shedule here of course) change kept him away so I was forced to improvise. Fortunately the Big Bus Company came to my rescue. These open air buses are part of the London scenery; they are everywhere. But they offer the temporary tourist a perfect vehicle (pun intended) to see the highlights, walk around, and get back on the bus again. The best part are the tour guides and their sense of authentic british humor.

[My apologies for the break in postings. The first hotel in Durban had an internet cafe but the connection was down. I am now in the Hilton on a slow but functional conmnection tryng to catch up.]

First stop was Norfolk Square just outside Paddington Station. Was nice to see early signs of spring popping out of the English soil.

Then it was boarding the Big Bus for a chilly ride around the heart of London. Whether it was the historic Thames, the latest London landmark - the Big Eye (a slow 40 story gigantic ferris wheel), Tower Bridge, Tower of London or Big Ben, there was no mistaking what City I was in.