
A travelog of an April 2006 journey to Durban South Africa for the 8th World Conference in Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (click on photos to enlarge & click comments to contribute)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Making friends

I am shown with Naseema Vawda from the Nelson Mandela School of Medicine and Adnan Hyder from Johns Hopkins. Both are involved in the Fogarty International Training programs that I am starting to get involved with myself through an NIH grant. Naseema is a local and she has kindly offered me a a chance to see Durban from her perspective when I return from Safari.

Safari starts tomorrow! Posted by Picasa


At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you ran into somebody with same last name as mine:we are every where:,i am truly jealous,congrat. on the poster,i am checking regularly and having fun.See you when you get back.
syed Hyder


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